Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Karimunjawa is and island chain stretching in a northwesterly direction 83 km from Jepara. Central Java. This archipelago is a cluster of 27 islands in the java sea. Only seven of the islands are inhabited. The reefs are a mixture of fringing, barrier, and patch with bottom depths ranging from 15 to 40 meters. The name of Karimunjawa is taken from Javanese language 'Kremun kremun saking tanah Jawi' addressed by one of Wali Songo (the Nine Saints who had introduced Islam in Java) to describe how far this mini archipelago from Java, to be exact from Semarang and Jepara. Stands from 27 islands, this mini archipelago became marine national park and it's like a treasure for those who love marine life. Here can be found protected coral reefs (very colorful plateaus and plains in deep and shallow waters), secluded and tranquil white beaches, pelican and hornbill, sea grass and kinds of sea creatures, from crabs, anchovy, starfish, sharks, stingray, jellyfish, red snappers, etc.

 The Marine National Park Karimun Jawa is 110,000 ha and lies 90 km north east of Jepara in Central Java. We will find mangrove forest and beach forest. The park is named after the largest island Karimun Jawa. The vegetation consists mainly of mangrove and beach forest, although there is some lowland rain forest on Karimun Jawa. Most of the islands are surrounded by sandy beaches and fringing coral reefs. Fresh water is confined to a few small wells and forest streams on Karimun Jawa. A number of endemic animals live on the island while on the beaches sea turtles lay their eggs. The average tidal range is 92 cm.
The archipelagic Karimunjawa, thought not as known the Marine reserves near Ambon and Manado, has unexpectedly good beaches, reefs and lovely sea scopes. Corals seem to blossom in to gardens, with an Amazing variety of form and color fishers and marine plants. It lies 90 km away from Jepara and can reached by "KM. Adison I & KM Kota Ukir" boat, the only ferryboat connecting Karimunjawa and Jepara.
The resort offers stunning dives and snorkeling trips for all sorts of divers from novice to experience. Fringing reefs, atolls, wrecks and an excellent variety of different species make diving in Karimunjawa an unforgettable adventure.


Ujung Kulon has a vast array of wild life, quite a number Ujung Kulon has a vast array of wildlife, quite a number of which are endangered or rare. Some of the animals are so unafraid that they freely wonder in and around the tourist lodges, others are sighted almost every day, many are heard rather than seen, and some are rarely seen.
The most precious of all the animalism the parks is the Java one-horjavan rhinoned rhinoceros, the rarest large animal on earth. Once found across much of south east Asia, the first accounts of the Java rhino date back toChina's Tang dynasty (A.D. 618-906) when Java was noted as a source for rhino horns. In Java during the 1700?s rhinos were so numerous and damaging to the agricultural plantations that the government paid a bounty for every rhino killed, bagging five hundred within two years. Ujung Kulon's rhino population is now estimated at around fifty individuals and they were believed to be the last remaining Javan rhino in the world until a small population was recently discovered inVietnam. However, these are so few in numbers that their viability is unlikely and so Ujung Kulon remains the last home of this magnificent pachyderm. In appearance the Javan rhino is closest to the Indian rhino, both having a single-horn and skin folds or plates but there are distinct differences between their neck plates and skin textures.
The javan gibbonJavan rhino also has a long prehensile upper lip which extends below the lower allowing it to grasp foliage. The body shape of the Javan rhino is designed to push aside the undergrowth and only the male Javan rhino has a prominent horn while the female has a lump similar to a halved coconut. Earlier this century Javan rhinos were measures as being over 170 cm. At the shoulders, more than 3 meters in length and 2,200 kg. In body weight but a recent photographic survey indicates that the largest rhino in Ujung Kulon may be around 150 cm. in height. Rhino's range over a maximum distance of 15 to 20 kilometers a day in the densely forested lowlands of the Ujung Kulon Peninsula and to the east of its isthmus. They are most mobile at nights, like wallowing in mud pools and sometimes venture onto beaches and grazing grounds. Although actual sightings of rhinos are rare, their prints and droppings are often found on the trails, sometimes unnervingly fresh. Javan rhinos are believed to be capable of running as fast as a person and so advice to visitors, should they happen to come across one, is to climb the nearest tree and take a photo - in that order.
Far more obvious animals in the park are the Javan rusaa deer that freely graze around the tourist lodges. These are the largest of the three deer species in Ujung Kulon. The rusa ags are at their most magnificent in the mating season around August to September when the antlers have shed their velvet and territorial battles between the stags begin.
The smaller Barking deer has a long sleek head and measures aroundkomodo lizard 60-70 cm. at the shoulders. The stags have short, two-pointed antlers and tusk-like canine teeth. Their favorite habitat is low to the ground and when fleeing their white under-tail catches the eye. The smallest is the Mouse deer which measures only 20-25 cm. in height and has a
reddish-brown coat with white underpants. The stag does not have antlers but instead has long curving canine teeth that extend outside the mouth. In the early years visitors to Ujung Kulon witnessed a Mouse deer ripping open the stomach of a rival during a mating fight. Their habitat is within the forest and they rarely venture onto beaches and clearings.
Since pre-historic times these wild cattle have lived throughout Java and in the 17th century were used to carry loads but now the herds roam wild and are found in just a few locations throughout the island. The males have black coats while the females are usually a golden brown and both have white buttocks and stockings. A mature bull can measure over  170 cm. at the shoulders and although both sexes have horns, only the males are large and curved. Banteng favor open grassy clearings for grazing particularly early and late in the day but also feed on the forest’s young secondary growth and are found throughout the Peninsula and southern Gunung Honje regions.
Ujung Kulon has five species of primates with the brown, long-tailed, Crab-eating, macaques being the most commonly seen especially on beaches and reefs at low tide. Peucang Islands supports four separate groups numbering over two hundred individuals.
The macaques? strongly hierarchical society is based on a matrilineal system - daughters stay with the mother as long as they live while juvenile males usually leave the group to join another group or become solitary. Within the group structure there can be several adult males with one being the dominant but tolerant leader.
Female macaques usually rank just below their mothers and, interestingly, above older sisters so that even babies from highly ranked mothers can control adult males and females. Primarily fruit eaters, the macaques? diet includes a wide variety of food and their cheek pouches can hold the equivalent of a stomach load of food which allows for hasty food gathering to be eaten later. Each group has its own territory and although they sleep in trees they do not build nests and unlike the park’s other primates they are equally at home on the ground or in trees.
Another primate, only found in Java, is the glossy blackish-brown Javan silvered leaf monkey which has long, slender limbs and tail. They frequent most regions of the park particularly the Gunung Honje Range but unlike the macaques their groups are small and usually contain one adult male, several females and their young. The rarely seen Grizzled
leaf monkey in slightly heavier than the Javan silvered leaf monkey and has a grey coat, long tail and head crest. Very small populations of this extremely rare and endangered monkey live in the Gunung Payung and Honje Ranges.
Also endangered is the Javan or Moloch gibbon which is unique to West Java and its habitat in Ujung Kulon is the primary forests of the Gunung Honje Range. These tail-less primates have grey fluffy coats and black faces and make a distinctive hooting call resembling their Indonesian name Owa. Gibbons are monogamous, mate for life and live in small family groups consisting of a male, female and one or more young. The young adults leave the group to roam the forest searching for a mate and new territory. The parks? fifth primate is the Slow Loris and being nocturnal, sightings are uncommon. Around 25 to 30 cm. in size, it has an ash-grey coat and large round eyes for night vision. The notable characteristic is its slow, smooth, perfectly co-ordinate movements’ which allow it to freeze in mid-movement for self protection if disturbed.
Wild Pigs
Ujung Kulon has two types of wild pig, the Eurasian wild pig and the Javan warty pig. Similar in size and weight, the Eurasian wild pig sometimes has a light grayish-white stripe from the head to the chest while the male Javan warty pig has three pairs of lumps or warts on the face which can give an old male a monstrous appearance. The coat of the young Eurasian piglet has long yellowish-brown stripes and when disturbed they often make short loud grunts while warty pigs have a high pitched cry. Wild pigs are pressingly good swimmers and have been known to cross the 700 meters channel between the Peninsula and Peucang Island.
The cat family was represented by five species although the last positive sighting of a Javan tiger in Ujung Kulon was in the 1950?s and it is believed that they are now part of the long list of the world’s extinct animals. However, leopards measuring over half a meter at the shoulder and over 1.5 meters in length, number as many as sixty in Ujung Kulon and their tracks are sometimes seen on beaches and stream beds. The black rosette on their coat have background colors that can vary from a light straw yellow to orange-yellow and it is not uncommon for the leopards to have completely black coats. Fishing cats, named for their ability to scoop fish out of water, are considerably smaller than leopards but larger than domestic and the jungle or leopards cats, which tend to frequent the boundary regions of the park near settlements.
Between a fox and ferret in size with short legs, long muzzle and tail the same length as its body, the most often seen of these predators is the Common palm civet which is found throughout the park including Panatian Island.

Wild Dogs

These are quite different from the domesticated village dogs seen throughout Indonesia as they are smaller, squatter, have a red-brown coat and a fox like appearance. They live hunt in packs and in 1846 there was an account of hundreds of large turtles, some of hitch were well over a meter in length, being over-turned and killed by a dog pack on Ujung Kulon’s south coast. Then unaccountably their numbers decreased to the point where they were never seen in Ujung Kulon until earlier this century when they again re-appeared, possibly partly due to the dwindling tiger population.
Although over 250 species have been recorded in Ujung Kulon, the  birds are not always easily seen as many live high in the forest   canopy or are vigilant inhabitants of the dense undergrowth. However it is the constant bird calls of Ujung Kulon that  contribute to the atmosphere of the forest, for seldom is the park   silent.
# Crocodiles
# Turtles
# Frogs
# Lizards
# Snakes
The world's vast numbers of invertebrate species, which out-number the animals by ten to one, have extremely important roles as pollinators, re-cycles, pest controllers and generally keep the forests alive and healthy
The park has a wide variety of marine habitats. The rocky shores, mangrove swamps, mud flats, sea grass beds, coral reefs and sea trenches, providing diverse and fascinating insights into the underwater world.
The easiest to find particularly on the shores of Peucang islaand are the brilliantly colored reef browsing fish with colors and patterns from nature at its most vivid and creative.
Of these perhaps the most beautiful is the black, white and lemon vertical striped Moorish Idols with long, sweeping dorsal fins emphasizing its gracefulness.
Delicate yet boldly patterned butterfly fishes come in various shades white, yellow and orange with black markings and often have a black vertical stripe through the eye. usually found in pairs, when alarmed they use their fins and spines to firmly wedge themselves in crevices in the reef.
The most common clownfish in Ujung Kulon are golden brown in color white bands across the body. Often found sheltering amongst the tentacles of sea anemones, the mucous of the clownfish contains a substance that makes the stinging anemone believe it is one of its own. Other outstanding fishes include the imaginatively patterned angelfishes of which the Emperor Angelfish with thin blue and yellow horizontal striped and a bright orange tail is a wonderful example
Yet another spectacular species is represented by the Lionfish which motionlessly hovers over the reefs spreading black usually placid, if approached too closely can inflict an extremely painful sting from the row of poisonous spines along its back.
Often the larger fish are just as eye-catching with brilliant red rock cod and snapper, range striped trigger fish, banded and mottled morays eels and exquisitely patterned surgeon fish. The colorful parrotfish has teeth that are fused into a parrot-like beak with which it crushes corrals and mollusk  into fine coral sand. They sleep inside lose cocoons constructed of mucous, sand and weeds in crevices in the reef. Marine mammals that visit the coastline include the regularly seen dolphins and the unusual and rarely seen dugong or sea cow
The reef builders, the stony or hard corals make up the reefs of shallower waters. During the day many of these area are dull brown color but at nights they are transformed into miniature marine forests of plankton feeding tentacles
Hard corals are built from the skeletons of tiny marine animals called polyps and come in a wide variety of shapes. These can resemble rocks or branching stag horns, be flat-topped or cup shaped, appear like up-turned mushrooms or have fungi-like folding on tours. Their color tend to be more subdued than the soft corals because of the extra sunlight in shallow waters. The soft corals, colonizers of established reefs, do not have the limestone skeleton of the reef builders and instead are numerous polyp gathered around a fleshy centre. Their lovely formations vary from fan-like shapes to branching varieties or have finger-like tendrils and whips in colors that vary from the delicate to the vivid. The more delicate or leafy forms tend to be found in deeper waters as they are too fragile for strong currents
The mudflats and stream of Ujung Kulon also hold a fascinating array of life forms. Mangrove swamps, rich in nutrients are home to two unique species of fish, the skipper and the archerfish. The bulging-eyed mudskippers, constantly seen hoping across the water surface, often venture onto land but must return to the water to replenish their gill chamber reserves. Mudskippers also have the most unusual attribute of being able to climbing trees. The clever little archerfish is named for its practice of squirting shafts of water over 2 meters high to knock insects off overhanging leaves.
Yet another fascinating fish, that lives in the fresh waters of the park is a tool using fish. It clings to the underside of floating leaves which it then maneuvers, often against the current and from its hiding place preys on smaller fish. Ujung Kulon is alive with crabs of many sizes and colors. Perhaps the most common is the small whitish Ghost crab, aptly named because of its quick disappearances, which deposits tiny sand balls in fan shaped designs on beaches. Hermit crabs are the species that live inside shells, exchanging them for larger ones as the crab matures. The large holes found on the forest floor, sometimes many kilometers from the sea, are made by mature hermit crabs that have abandoned their shells.
Fiddler crabs of colors that include bright red and turquoise are also easily identifiable because they have one claw far larger than the other and are sometimes seen engaging in group claw waving sessions in defense of their holes. the reefs and waters of the Park have an enormous variety of marine life. A vast world of shells, sponges, anemones, slugs, seahorse, squids, sea cucumbers, lobsters, shrimps, snails, jelly-fishes and worms- these are just a few of the numerous creatures for visitor to discover (Source: Indonesia's Ujungkulon National Park Handbook, written (by Margareth Clarbrougks).
                                   Copyright©1994 - 2007.www.ujungkulontours.com - CARITA BEACH - INDONESIA

UJUNG KULON (West Java) Indonesia's National Park

Real white abd beautiful beach On the south western of the island of Java, where the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean and equatorial waters of the Sunda Straits merge, is on of Indonesia's paramount national parks, Ujung Kulon. Rich in wildlife and forest, noted for its charm and diversity, it is the home of the highly endangered Java Rhinoceros and bestowed with the status of World Heritage (natural) site.
Ujung Kulon which means West Point, possesses an exceptional profile of Indonesia's wilderness from forested mountain ranges to coral seas. What makes it even more remarkable is that the park remains a pristine haven of nature, on Java, one of the most densely populated island on earth.
The most exotic animal in the world  the unicorn Java RhinocerosThe park is 120,551 hectares are divided into 78,214 ha of land and 44,337 ha of surrounding reefs and sea. It can roughly be separated into three areas, the triangular shaped Ujung Kulon Peninsula, the Gunung Honje Range to the east of the Peninsula's Isthmus and the Island of Panaitan to the north west.
Ujung Kulon's tropical maritime climate, somewhat cooler than inland areas of Java, produces an annual rainfall of approximately 3250 mm. Temperature range between 25° and 30° C with a humidity level generically between 80% and 90%. April to October are the drier months, particularly between July to October. During these months there are long periods of fine, calm weather with occasional spells of overcast skies, rain and rougher seas.

Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the last best beach of javaremaining natural forest on Java and one of very few areas offering a profile of sea-shore to mountain top tropical vegetation.The park holds well over 700 species of plant life of which at 57 are classified as rare in Java Island and perhaps the world. Learn more the animal life in Ujung Kulon click here !
Ujung Kulon National Park has a vast array wildlife, quite a member of which are endangered or rare. Some of animals are so unafraid that freely wander in and around the tourist lodges, others are sighted almost every days, many are heard rather than seen and same core rarely seen. Learn more the plats life in Ujung Kulon click here!
The park has a wide variety of marine habitats. The rocky shores, mangrove swamps, mud flats, sea grass beds, coral reefs and sea trenches, providing diverse and fascinating insights into the underwater world.

On the slope of Mt.CracatoaThe Krakatau Island or Krakatoa are part of the Ujung Kulon National Park, to anyone interested in natural proses, Krakatau or Krakatoa is one of the most fascinating areas in the world. The cataclysmic eruption of 1883 captures the imagination, and spectacular volcanic activity continuous to the present. To those interested in biology and the way island are colonized by plants and animals - not only the island from which life was eradicated by the 1883 eruption, but also the new island of Anak Krakatau - the area holds a unique attraction.
Learn more the Krakatau/Krakatoa click here !

Visit Ujung Kulon National Park and Mt. Krakatau /Krakatoa With UJUNGKULON TOUR - Jakarta Indonesia
UJUNGKULON TOUR (patented name) is the on line 24 h/7 days Tour Oerator and Tavel Service, specialized in ADVENTURES TOUR to visit and discover UJUNG KULON National Park and MT. KRAKATAU/KRAKATOA managed and operated by JAVASOLTOUR (the Indonesia Tour Operator and Travel Service)Management a Tour Operator located in JAKARTA, have the very good experiences to help you in arranging the reliable, safety and comfortable adventurous tour to World Heritage (natural) site in Indonesia, Ujung Kulon National Park considered as the habitat of most exotic animal in the world Java Rhinoceros and Cruising Mt.Krakatoa/Krakatoa the undersea vulcano in Sunda strait.
With collaboration CRACATOA TOUR the tour operator department specialized in discovery Mt Krakatoa, Krakatau Tour from Jakarta and the best co-operative in providing transport service JAKARTA TRANSPORT (reliable transport, car hire in Jakarta/rent car in JAKARTA) and co-operative support by JAKARTA HOTEL ACCOMMODATION (the Whole Saler Hotels and Accommodation in Indonesia located in Jakarta) also supported by UJUNG KULON NATIONAL PARK Ministry Forestry Of Republic Indonesia and www.my-indonesia.com as main official portal of Ministery Tourism of Republic Indonesia.
Get reliable and complete Ujung Kulon National Park Tourist informations only in www.ujungkulontour.com and get the reliable travel services and assistance to Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatoa/Krakatau only with UJUNGKULON TOUR (managed and operated by: JAVASOLTOUR Management (The Indonesia Tour Operator and Travel Services) in Jakarta. Click here
Have a nice trip to Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatoa/Krakatau,


Mount Bromo

1. Tengger Cadera.

The mayor atractivenees of TN-BTS is its unique and spectacular natural phenomena and those are easily enjoyed from a relative cloose positition.
Tengger caldera (crater) in which 5 (five) mounts are located could be a special interesting thing in the tourism, including its history of formation.
According to esher (1980 et al) formerly mount Tengger was a very big /large mountain whit a peak level of 4,00 meters above sea level. About one milion or one milion and a half years ago have head activities to from a very large caldera of 8-10 Km mount Tengger activities does not stop only to that , but its activities is still seen whit emergence of a new crater at center of the caldera the crater is higher nad higher until sometime it erupst.
Tengger Caldera is very large and well known whit is name Laut Pasir Tengger.
Because of its unique this caldera was handled by the goverment in 1919 and stated as a natural conservation. However this area apparently attracted tourist to come.
Then the area was changed to be as a national park (especialy in Cemorolawang part.)


2. Lava Crater

The lava crater is at a sand sea of kutho part, from far looks like a pile of bricks of ex- palace . the local people cal the well/ crater as Sumer pitu(well seven).
Based on geologikal history, lava craters have com from lava burning mold of mount Kursi. 

This time is lava is vomited from the crater and floods out directly down to the sna sea because the slope of the sand sea leads to horizontal, velocity of the mold is slower and slower to 5 meters per hour and its surface is firstly frozen and solidified while the inside part ist still mold/ more liquit .
lava flow will stop after the lava matters have undergone all solidification . next eruptions cause shaking that affec ist weak ceilings fall and from some wells. There are more than 20 wells and they are scattered around.

3. Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is one of five mounts located within Tengger mountains on its sand sea.
Atractiveness of this mount is bat to the date it is still active and easily visited /ascended. This Mount Bromo tourism objec has a natural atraction that atrac visitor because of this unique natural phenomena in from of of a crater on the crater covered by sand sea.
mt. bromo at middle

The natural beauty and wondervul valley are vascinating panorama, plus ist serene atmosphere and peace we well fel while visiting this area. To get the peak of mount Bromo , we use prepared stairs /steps of concrete stuff. When we get the peak we will see Brome a large caving crater whit is smoke out of the bottom . it shows the vulcano is still active. From the peak we see / enjoy the view of brome crater whit ist thin cloudy smoke, and the backward side we can see the beautifullness land countains sand see whit its natural silhuets that very impresisive.
Its other atracctiveess, is that volcano is a place of afinal ritual ceremoni (kasada) of Tengger communlty that has is reprensented by throwing farming product like the fruits and grain onto Moutn Bromo crater. This ceremony has attrated tourists to see the annual ceremony.

4. Mount Widodaren

Mountor Cave Widodaren is located beside Mt.Batok and is tourism potentials objec with the special atractivenes. one of the appeal of this objec is that this location consitutes a sacred tourism objects thar from a cave and a sarced water resource.
Inside of that cave and asarced water resources.Inside of that cave there is a somewhat broader place and inside that place there is abig stone that is used to provide somethings to be sacrificied and put nadar that also utilized as the place for meditation especially for comunities of Tengger for praying to the syangyang widi.
Around that cave ,exactly beside there are believe that eficacy of the water resource that will never dry and according to comonity of Tengger , it is sacred water from Widodaren (Mendhak Tira) beside, there ist belive that the efficacy of the water may keeo young and may get the spousefor the umaried person
In order to rach this object has been made a narrou lane whit the trend nearly forty five degree. So that suggested to tourits for carefuly walking when passing this lane.
Another atlaractivenes , when we have already reached the cave , we wel sea abeautifull view at the bottom. I,e sand seaand the adjancent. The more beautifull view when we are enjoiying the view at morning whit the yellow shined sun rise appears at our front.

5. Mount Penanjakan

Peak of moutn Pananjakan is the highets place if compared whit another places of mountainous Tengger. For these reason. In this are we may see the natural beautifulness in the bottom side such as san sea and mount. Bromo complex Dsk.
That is backgrounded by mount. Semeru whit its thick smoke come out this peak of Pananjakan may be seen the beautifulnes of sunrise in the eastward behind the hill we can enjoy the situation mentioned above whit the peacefull situatiound without the noisiness.
The provided facilitation are shelter, plaza MCK (places for washing and bath) and cafetaria.

6. Ranu Pane and Regulo

Ranu pne (1 ha) and Ranu regulo (0.75 ha) are two of four lake availabel inTN-BTS.
Both lakes the heigt is 2,200 m of sea surface. Both are having a sufficient beauty view , from this place we can see the very fascinating view of mount Semeru whit its smoke comes out and enjoying the wonderfullnes of situations around the lake observing the widl animal in particular the living of belibis bird and observing the cultur and custom of the native inhabitanst.

Arount the lake there is a rural residence (pendukuhan) that consituate last place for TN-BTS tourists in particular for the climber . beside in this rural residence there aer several little shops offering the food and beverage and the equipment for the climber .beside in this rural residence there are in habittants who quiding or carrying the equipment of the climber until reach to top of mpunt Mahameru (poter).
Beside the tourist for the purpose of climbing ,Ranu Pane -regulo usualy utilized by the tourist for campng obseving the field and activites of open natural tourism. The facilities are provided in ranu pane rgulo are pndok pendaki , pondok jaga , information center , pondok peneliti and camping ground.

7. Ranu Kumbolo

Ranu kumbolo (8ha) is located at the heigt 22,390 m over the sea surface ,I,e ranu- pane and mount .Semeru historically and geologicaly. Ranu kumbolo is shaped from masive craters mount . jambangan that has solidefied so that the filing water otomatically not flows down.
Until today, Ranu kumbolo is the potentials of delighfullly toursm object. The atractiveneses are that at a yard in wich relatively higger than the sea surfarce there is a lake whit the clear ,freas and unpolluted water , so that atracted the tourist to visit this park.

For the climbers Ranu Kumbolo is he stop place to prepare nex journeianother attractiveness.in the west fringe of lake there is a monument . it is the legaci of acient, supposed that this monument is the legaci of majapahit empire. However until today has not earned the certainty.
In particularn at the watery area of the lake we can see the living of wild animal,I,e Belibis brid . for the enverimental abservers Ranu Kumbolo is essentially the natural laboratori for the studiy and observation of nature that full whit the very rich knowledge.
The facilities are provided in Ranu Kumbolo are pendok pendaki (70m) and MCK that are utilized by the climbers for taking rest, beside the availability of a relative evenly for camping ground. Needs of water may be met whit lake water.

8. Kalimati

Kalimati is the last camping location before sustain the journey.
This places usually used for taking rest , because availabelity of water source. That is gap about 500 m from kalimati. And both the yard is relative evenly and also it has been established facility of pondok pendaki and MCK. Temperature in kalimati relatively cooler than other places, because Kalimati area is the vallei of any adjacent hills.

9. Arcopodo

Arcopodo or recopodo is located in the middle between Kalimati and Mount Semeru. In this places there are twin statue (Arcopodo or Recopodo ) and some monuments of the died and lots climbers when climbing the moutn. Semeru in this places utilized for temporarily resting before sustain the journey to the top of Mahameru.

8. Mahameru and Kawah Jonggring Saloko

Mahameru is another name of the peak of Semeru Mountain (3,676 m asl.) in Java it has wide kawah called Jonggring Saloko. Since it is the highes Mountain , from its peak ,we can enjoy wonderful scenery below it such as
-west side : malang City, north side : Kepolo mountain and Tengger,
south side :shout beach line, east side : Argopura Mountain
Among nature lovers , especialy climber from eatsjava , even some climber from yokyakarta bandung , semeru mountain is challenging one and always be place for nice climbing every year.

Copyright © 2002, Eastjava Department of Tourism, Art and Culture Service.Supported by Eastjava.Com.

Krakatoa Volcano

The paroxysmal explosion and collapse of the volcano of Krakatoa generated formidable tsunami waves that were up to 37 m (120 feet) in height. These waves destroyed 295 towns and villages in the Sunda Strait in Western Java and Southern Sumatra. A total of 36,417 people were drowned. The tsunami, being of volcanic origin (a point source) was only destructive locally in Indonesia. However, small tsunami waves were recorded throughout the Pacific.

Tsunami Waves Generated by the Explosion of the Krakatau (Krakatoa) Volcano

Undoubtedly, the atmospheric pressure waves from the three gigantic eruptions of Krakatoa on August 26 and 27, 1883, which proceeded the fourth paroxysmal explosion, gave rise to tsunami like waves. The first of these three proceeding violent explosions occurred at 17: 07 Greenwich time (GMT) on August 26, 1883. The second and third violent eruptions occurred at 05:30 GMT and at 06:44 GMT on August 27, 1883. Being of atmospheric origin and small in size, none of these earlier tsunami like waves were noticed or reported. At the time, the only operating tide gauge in Batavia (Jakarta) was too far away to record these smaller sea level oscillations.

It was the fourth paroxysmal explosion of Krakatoa at 10:02 (GMT) that gave rise to the gigantic destructive tsunami waves in the Sunda Strait. This paroxysmal explosion blew away the northern two-thirds of the island and it was almost instantaneously followed by the collapse of the unsupported volcanic chambers which formed the huge underwater caldera. It was the combined effects of the explosion and collapse of the volcano that generated the catastrophic tsunami waves that caused havoc and destruction in the Sunda Strait.
The Sunda Strait between the islands of Sumatra and Java.

The huge tsunami waves destroyed all the coastal towns and villages on the Sunda Strait, within an hour or two after the explosion and collapse of the volcano . The waves were so powerful that coral blocks weighing as much as 600 tons were thrown ashore. A warship in the area was carried 3 km. inland by the waves and was deposited at a 10 meter elevation above sea level. The huge tsunami was well documented in terms of visual observations of heights reached along the coasts of Java and Sumatra as well from a recording at a tide gauge at Batavia (now Jakarta).

Many of the names of the towns and villages of this region given here were taken from older accounts. These names have changed since the departure of the Dutch from Indonesia. For example Batavia, has been replaced by Jakarta. The following is a short description of tsunami heights and travel times at the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia.
Map showing the remnant of Rakata Island (now called Krakatau Island) after the 1983 explosion and collapse and the new volcano of Anak Krakatau that subsequently emerged in 1927 from Krakatau's sunken caldera (Modified after Simkin and Fiske, 1983)

Island of Sumatra (Telok Batong, Vlakke Hook)

The tsunami travel time to the closest villages of Sumatra was about 1 hour after the explosion of Krakatoa. At Telok Batong, tsunami waves up to 22 meters
(72 feet) completely submerged the village. At Vlakke Hook the maximum tsunami wave height was 15 meters.
Island of Java {Sirik, Anjer, Tyringen, Merak, Batavia (Jakarta) and Surabaya}

Also, tsunami waves reached the Western coast of Java within an hour after the explosion of Krakatoa. The village of Sirik was almost entirely swept away by these waves. It took also about one hour for the destructive tsunami waves to reach Anjer where a 10 meter wave completely overwhelmed the lower part of town. At Tyringen, waves ranged from 15 - 20 meters in height, while at Merak, the waves reached a maximum of 35 meters.

It took approximately 2.5 hours for the tsunami waves to refract around the western end of the island of Java and to reach Batavia (Jakarta), the capital of Indonesia on. Waves of 2.4 meters, were reported there with a very long period period of 122 minutes. By the time the tsunami reached Surabaya, at the eastern part of Java, the reported wave was only 0.2 meters. The tsunami travel time to Surabaya was 11.9 hours.

Krakatau's Tsunami Waves Recorded at Distant Places

Small sea level oscillations from Krakatoa's explosion were recorded by tide gauges as far away as Hawaii, the American West Coast, South America, and even as far away as the English Channel, in France and England. It took 12 hours for the tsunami from Krakatoa's explosion to reach Aden on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, some 3800 nautical miles away. The wave reported at Aden probably represents the one generated in the Sunda Strait. The travel time of a little over 300 nautical miles per hour to Aden appears reasonable. There were no land boundaries on the Indian Ocean side of Krakatoa to prevent the tsunami energy from spreading in that direction. However, it is doubtful that the waves which were reported at distant locations in the Pacific or in the Atlantic Ocean represented the actual tsunami generated in the Sunda Strait. Very little, if any at all, of this energy could have escaped the surrounding inland seas to the east of the Sunda Strait. Most probably, the small waves that were observed in the Pacific as well as in the Atlantic, were generated by the atmospheric pressure waves which resulted from the major Krakatoa explosion, and not from the actual tsunami generated in the Sunda Strait.
Photo of the volcano of Krakatau taken in 1883 before the major eruption

JAPAN: In Japan a small sea level oscillation was recorded at Honshu-Sagami and at Shikoku-Satsuma.
AUSTRALIA: In Australia, a trace of the tsunami was recorded. It was less than 0.1 meter.
In New Zealand a 0.3 meter change in water level was reported.
HAWAII: A small oscillation of only 0.24 meters was recorded by the Honolulu tide gauge on the island of Oahu, 17 hours after the explosion of Krakatoa.
ALASKA: In Alaska's Kodiak Island a small oscillation of 0.1 meter was recorded .
CALIFORNIA: In San Fransciso, California, a 0.1 meter sea level oscillation was recorded 20 hours after the explosion.

Anak Krakatau (Son of Krakatoa) at the present time.
Krakatau's Volcanic Tsunami Source Mechanism

Paroxysmal volcanic explosions, such as the August 26, 1883 of Krakatoa are referred to as "hydromagmatic" or "phreatomagmatic" . According to this mechanism of generation, following the earlier eruptions, cold seawater entered the magmatic chambers of Krakatoa when its walls begun to rupture in its weakened base. Super heated steam built tremendous pressure which, in turn, resulted in the large explosion of the volcano. Following the explosion, the unsupported remainder of Krakatoa collapsed into the empty magmatic cavities underneath, creating a large depression, or submerged caldera in the sea (see diagram).
Into this newly formed cavity rushed several cubic miles of seawater, filling it rapidly and creating waves that, near the center, probably reached heights of several hundred feet.

Then, just as quickly as the water had rushed into this newly formed caldera, huge tsunami waves rushed out like a gigantic bore. These waves radiated out in all directions across the Sunda Strait. The speed of the waves was limited by the relatively shallow depth of the sea in the area. Thus, it took almost an hour after the explosion for the destructive waves to reach Java and Sumatra. These waves destroyed most of the coastal settlements in the Sunda Strait Undoubtedly, submarine landslides and the atmospheric shock waves from the explosion generated additional tsunami waves in the area.
Graphics of Krakatau before and after the paroxysmal explosion and caldera collapse


Borobudur Temple (Forgotten Wonder of the World)

The Borobudur Buddhist sanctuary, more than a thousand years old, is recognized as one of the greatest stupa and World's wonder of its kind in the world. Today, it is the center of tourist attraction in Central Java. The name Borobudur is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words, Vihara Buddha Uhr, meaning the Buddhist Monastery on the hill. Borobudur temple is located in Muntilan, Magelang and is about 42 kilometers from Yogyakarta city. It is the greatest Buddhist work of art existing in the world.

Borobudur's architects and sculptors designed it to serve the purpose of veneration, worship and meditation, though Borobudur is not a temple as such.

 Using untold number of labourers, the early architects designed the structure built around a natural mound of earth resting upon a stone foundation of two layers, square in plan with regular shaped projections making 36 corners in all. The top has a great stupa, standing 40 meters above the ground. The walls of the Borobudur are sculptured in bas-reliefs, extending over a total length of 6 kilometers. It has been hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit, each scene an individual masterpiece. Built around the turn of the 9th century A.D. It is said that if you put your arm through one of the bell-shaped stupa and can touch the stone within, you will have your wish come true. A must on your itinerary.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Mahesa Lawung

It is a traditional rite of Kasunanan Palace to ask for safety and to anticipate anything bad to happen. The participants depart from Gondorasan to Bangsal Sewayana of Kasunanan Palace before they are headed for Krendhawahana forest in Gondangrejo (14 km north way from Solo). The forest is a sacred place. It was a meditation place of the ancestors from Mataram Palace. Offered in this procession are a buffalo head and its complements.


Solo, the Spirit of Java

Mangkubumen Temple and surrounded by a green fence is being “swallowed” by the splendor of the surrounding buildings berbeton.
In fact, when viewed from the age of the building, the building was worth when one of the protected cultural heritage buildings. Its historical value is also very important. At that location, a marker of the birth of one of the respected leaders of the Kasunanan Palace SOLO. The building was unique, a silent witness history Kasunanan Palace SOLO.
References : Joglosemar Daily News
Photos : Mas Aries Priyanto


Architectural Styles of Majapahit

Surveys of East Javanese temple architecture usually begin with Candi Kidal, which lies to the south east of Malang. Built around the mid 13th century, Kidal is the earliest known example of a new stylistic tendency; a move away from the massive structures which characterized the monuments built by the Sailendra dynasty in Central Java some four centuries earlier, towards more slender buildings with tall, tapering spires. True, we see a foreshadowing of this new style in the Central Javanese temple complex of Prambanan, but the almost total absence of archaeological remains from the intervening period makes it difficult to re-construct any coherent development of architectural design between, say, A.D. 930, when the centre of Javanese political power shifted to the east, and about 1250, the approximate date for the building of Candi Kidal.This new style is quite clearly apparent in a number of other monuments of the 13th and 14th centuries, among them Candi Jawi, Candi Sawentar, Candi Sumberjati (Simping), Candi Bangkal, Candi Bajang Ratu, as well as the 'dated' temple at Penataran.
A further development occurred in spatial orientation. In the classical architecture of Central Java, the layout of a temple or temple complex tended to be symmetrical, with the principal building situated in the centre, almost invariably aligned with the cardinal points. The whole was conceived as an earthly reflection of the subtle regions inhabited by the gods, according to the principles of Hindu and Buddhist cosmology. With the temples of East Java, however, there appears to have been a move away from this closed, centrally focussed orientation, to one where the most important and sacred building was placed at the rear of the complex, furthest from the entrance.
We see a clear example of this idea at Candi Penataran, where the site is divided into three separate courtyards, into which a variety of buildings have been placed in a seemingly haphazard fashion. Symmetry has been all but abandoned. The principal building, which faces west, can be found at the far eastern end of the compound. It has frequently been noted, incidently, that Penataran appears to have been a prototype for the modern day Balinese pura, which usually consists of three courtyards, known as jaba, jaba tengah, and jeroan, The temple is essentially a consecrated space enclosed and protected by its surrounding wall.
One temple which is often considered to contain elements of both early and late classical Javanese design is Candi Singosari. In that it has a symmetrical base with four projections aligned with the cardinal points, the temple follows a pattern commonly found in the Shiwaite monuments of Central Java. Yet there are marked differences, the most notable of which is the location of the four main chambers or niches containing statues. In Central Javanese temples these were almost invariably recessed into the main body of the building, which rested on a solid base. At Singosari, however, the niches have been set into the base itself, perhaps with the intention of creating an illusion of greater height. The roof, which has for the most part collapsed, exhibits further unique elements not yet found in other East Javanese temples.
In some cases, notably the principal temple at Penataran, as well as at Candi Jajaghu, there are indications that the roof was not made of stone, but rather of a combination of wood and sugar palm fibre (ijuk). An example of this type of structure can still be seen at the Pura Yeh Gangga at Perean, 60 kilometres north of Denpasar in Bali. The temple, which dates from the Majapahit period (inscriptions at the site display dates equivalent to A.D. 1339 and 1429) shows the typical 'pagoda-like' tiered roof (mew) of Balinese temples, in this case set on a stone base. Reliefs on the walls of Candi Jajaghu, moreover, display similar structures.

union of god and man

In humans there is a lump of flesh,If a lump of meat was ruined,So entirely corrupted,A lump of meat was named Qolbu,
Qolbu that ati in Java language,Gusti often interpreted Bagusing Ati,Gusti also means Qolbu,Qolbu which becomes a reflection,Khaliq with His creation,
Qolbu is terminal,Ati jangkahing term that era,Or focal point of awareness of life,Space and time in which we live,
Kawulo is the servant,Gusti is bagusing ati,Qolbu good man,In menghamba to God,Human menghamba it Kawulo,With a heart that can reflect God,So manunggallah Kawulo and Gusti,
If Qolbu was close to God,Up close with neck veins,Then the heart becomes a place bersemayamnya servant of God,If hearts closer to God,Calm mind and listen to inner voice,Difikirkan words first,Diniyatkan action in Allah,So true,Manunggaling Kawulo Gusti,Thus,Kawulo identical lan Gusti,In ridlo His
Gusti Kawulo Manunggaling untruth,Conveniently located in the less precise perception in understanding,Eventually this can lead to error,So no one Manunggaling Kawulo Gusti,However misleading, if not fit to understandA friend of mine once said,Sex is not taboo,Sexy it is human nature,But if there are children five years old who asked me about sex,Would lead to ambiguities due to perceptive understanding of children five years old,So, parents keep sex at that age children,Understanding about sex,Should be given to people who are already eligible to comprehend,
Similarly Manunggaling Kawulo Gusti is not given to teaching the average person,Not yet feasible,Alias was still in the age of five years in a spiritual ....
Manunggaling Kawulo Gusti,That does not mean you become Pharaoh,Because Pharaoh I also claim to be God,Whereas Manunggaling Kawulo-I Gusti not confess the Lord,Menghamba contrary to God,So that all actions reflect God's nature and asthma.
You can only reflect God's nature and asthma,It's when you do the opposite,Where Qolbu, heart, liver or manah,Be a reflection of God's nature,
Gusti Kawulo Manunggaling understanding does not mean it does not work,Because the work is a requirement of life,With the work we feel need God in the work,Not vice versa ....
If Manunggaling Kawulo this would bring Gusti persepi error,And the error due to misperception,Mending his teachings banned only grow in the community,As of prohibiting pornography in society,Her sex itself is not prohibited,However, deviations due to the understanding of place was the one who caused the damage,
Now, last question,Is Manunggaling Kawulo Gusti were misled?Please answer itself.
